Chaos Game
laneousComputing the true longitude of the Moon:
True longitude of Moon = mean longitude + major inequality + evection + variation + annual inequality + reduction to ecliptic + parallactic inequality + more terms
Period mean longitude of the Moon:
measured from the mean position of the perigeeL0 = 218.31617 + 481267.88088*T - 4.06*T*T/3600
~27.32 d the Moon's mean anomaly:
M = 134.96292 + 477198.86753*T + 33.25*T*T/3600
~27.55 d the Sun's mean anomaly:
MSun = 357.52543 + 35999.04944*T - 0.58*T*T/3600
365.25 d the mean distance of the Moon from the ascending node
F = 93.27283 + 483202.01873*T - 11.56*T*T/3600
~27.21 d the difference between the mean longitudes of the Sun and the Moon
D = 297.85027 + 445267.11135*T - 5.15*T*T/3600
~29.53 d Time
T = (JD - 2451545)/36525
Source: Montenbruck, Pfleger: Astronomy on the Personal Computer
True longitude of Moon = mean longitude + major inequality + evection + variation + annual inequality + reduction to ecliptic + parallactic inequality + more terms
L = L0 + (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7)
Period (1) Major Inequality (equation of center)
= 22640"*sin(M) + 769*sin(2M)
~27.5 d (2) Evection
= -4586"*sin(M-2D)
31.8 d (3) Variation
= 2370"*sin(2D)
~14.8 d(4) Annual Inequality
= -668"*sin(MSun)
1 y (5) Reduction to the Ecliptic
= -412"*sin(2F)
~13.6 d(6) Parallactic Inequality
= -125"*sin(D)
~29.5 d(7) More terms
= -212"*sin(2*M-2D)
= -206"*sin(M+MSun-2D)
= +192"*sin(M+2D)
= -165"*sin(MSun-2D)
= +148"*sin(L-MSun)
= -110"*Math.sin(M+MSun)
= - 55"*Math.sin(2F-2D)
Example: 2000 Jan at 00:00 UT
Drawing the diagram the small terms (4) to (7) are multiplied by 15.
The error of the true longitude (L = L0 + sum) is (0.52 ± 0.25)°,
reference HORIZONS Web-Interface (NASA JPL).
The red circle is the position of the Moon on the first day of the month (2000 Jan 1 at 00:00 UT).
The position of the Sun is added. The motion is counterclockwise:
The relative positions of the Sun and the Moon are causing the phases of the Moon.
In 2000 Jan, New Moon occured on Jan 6 at 18 UT:
In 2000 Jan, Full Moon occurred on Jan 21 at 5 UT:
Draconic month
time between the Moon’s passages through the same node, or intersection of its orbit with the ecliptic.
27.21 d Sidereal month
time needed for the Moon to return to the same place against the background of the stars.
27.32 d Anomalistic month
time from perigee to perigee
27.55 d Synodic month
time of complete cycle of phases of the Moon
29.53 d
The geocentric distance of the Moon is computed by Meeus (Astronomical Algorithms, Table 45.A, 46 trigonometric terms):
The mean absolute error (Jan 2000, 0 UT) is (33 ± 25) km,
reference: MICA
More accurate values are computed by my spreadsheet
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Apache OpenOffice (4.1.6) and Microsoft Excel for Mac (16.16.10)
are showing an error computing the distance of the Moon
(formula overflow, Err:512)
The eccentric anomaly (a parameterization of polar angle)
The true anomaly specifies the position along the orbit.
The mean anomaly is the angle of the line joining the focus (Earth) to a hypothetical body that has the same orbital period but travels at a uniform angular speed:
M = n·(t - T)
Kepler's Equation for a body orbiting on an ellipse with eccentricity e:
M = E - e·sin(E)
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Last update: 2019 May 31