![]() GeoAstro Applets |
![]() Astronomie |
![]() Chaos Spiel |
![]() Java |
![]() Diverses |
![]() Physik Quiz |
![]() Wer ist es ? |
JavaScript ist eine Script-Sprache, die von Netscape entwickelt wurde. JavaScript-Programme sind in den HTML-Code integriert und können diesen steuern. Hierzu ist ein JavaScript-fähiger Browser erforderlich, der die Anweisungen JavaScript-Programm unmittelbar ausführt (interpretiert). Man kann damit z.B. die Eingabewerte von Formularen prüfen oder verarbeiten, weitere Fenster öffnen u.v.a. JavaScript ist objektbasiert, d.h. der Programmierer kann auf die Objekte des Browsers, deren Eigenschaften und Methoden zugreifen und sogar neue Objekte erzeugen (aber keine neuen Klassen definieren).
Weitere JavaScripts: Sonnenstand, Tabellen Sonnenauf- und -untergang, Zeitzonen u.v.a.m.
What is JavaScript? [ Learn About... © MediaLinx Interactive ] JavaScript is a scripting language created by Netscape Communications. Although many people believe that JavaScript is based on Sun Microsystem's Java programming language, it is not. At a technical level, JavaScript and Java actually share little beyond the similarity in their names. But since they often produce a similar result, for the typical user many of the differences are unimportant. One meaningful distinction is that scripts created with JavaScript are incorporated into, and used to manipulate, the HTML code itself. JavaScript can also be used to open a separate window, as in the case of our Micro-Help. The code of a Java applet is completely separate from the HTML in a Web page, although Web content created with either tool will appear in your browser window. Beyond this distinction, it's only important to remember that JavaScript and Java are not the same thing. One thing to remember is that JavaScript is not an alternative to Java, but a complement to it. Since JavaScript can't be used to create applets, it's more limited than Java, but it has advantages as well. JavaScript is often faster to load, and easier to use for small tasks, such as generating moving text and performing simple calculations.
Letzte Änderung: 17.11.2016