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                    satellite, Roche, Hill
Chaos Game
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                      planet, satellite, Roche, Hill
physics, astronomy, sun, moon, earth, star,
                    planet, satellite, Roche, Hill

physics, astronomy, sun, moon, earth, star,
                      planet, satellite, Roche, Hill
Physics Quiz
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                    satellite, Roche, Hill
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The Hubble Deep Field
from: Hubble Space Telescope Picture Gallery


A number of interesting astronomical and astrophysical phenomena can be understood by fundamental laws of physics.

mass density
rho = m / V

volume of a sphere
V = 4 pi/3 R3

uniform motion
s = v t

accelerated motion
s = 1/2 g t2

gravitational force
F = G m M / R2
constant of gravitation
G = 6.673·10-11 m3/kg s2
circular force
F = m v2 / R

circular motion
m v2 / R = G m M / R2

kinetic energy
W = 1/2 m v2

energy of gravitation
W = G m M / R

escape velocity vF
1/2 m vF2 = G m M / R

energy of gravitation
released on collapse
W = G M2 / R

thermal energy
W = 3/2 k T
Boltzmann's constant k = 1.381·10-23 J/K
gas law
p V = N k T

mass and energy
W = m c2
speed of light c = 3·108 m/s
Hubble's law
v = H0 r
Hubble's constant
H0= 50 km/s Mpc-1 = 1,6·10-18 1/s

Some examples:

How stars are born

The minimum mass of a star

Temperature of the Sun

How long will the Sun be burning?


The Roche limit and the Hill sphere

Was sind Weiße Zwerge, Neutronensterne und Schwarze Löcher ?

Wieviel Sterne gibt es in unserer Milchstrasse ?

Wie alt und wie groß ist das Weltall ?

The Mysterious Eddington-Dirac Number

Doppler Effect (including Applet and sound files)

Web Links

Stellar Nurseries

Sternentstehung und Entwicklung

Simulations and Animations


Last modified: 2025, Feb 22